About me

I am an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, Germany. Since October 1st, I work at the Stellar Astrophysics Department that is led by Prof. Dr. Selma de Mink.
Until September 2024, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the Hamburg Observatory of the University of Hamburg in Germany. I was member of the Compact Objects and High-Energy Events group, which is led by Prof. Dr. Stephan Rosswog.
Previously, I was working as an ERC-Funded Postdoctoral Researcher at the Time-domain astronomy group led by Dr. Ondřej Pejcha in the Institute of Theoretical Physics at Charles University in Czech Republic.
I obtained my PhD in 2019 at the Instituto de Astrofísica at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. My doctoral thesis is entitled “The role of interacting stellar winds feeding Sgr A*”. This work was developed under the supervision of Prof. Jorge Cuadra who leads the Planets, accretion, and Galactic Centre astrophysics (PLAGA) group at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez. Part of my thesis work was carried out at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) in Garching bei München. In this institution, my co-advisor was Dr. Marc Schartmann who is Senior Data Scientist at OmegaLambdaTec, as well as a member of the Physics of galactic nuclei group at MPE, which is led by Prof. Andreas Burkert.